After many years Breda department store lights up again, people gather for Christmas lights | Oppa | News

Many people from Opava remember the Breda department store in its heyday. The dilapidated building is now only a distant reminder that it was once a shopping center and a symbol of luxury. Thanks to a fundraiser it was possible to renovate the original Christmas lights on the façade. The light bulb will now be lit every night during Advent.

Linda Bittová, fundraiser: “We decided to turn it on especially so people would know that Breda isn’t dead. And that we want to bring some life back into it. And that’s actually the symbolism associated with that light bulb.”

Of the half a million crowns raised, there was enough money left for some of the maintenance work, which was necessary because of the deplorable condition of this cultural monument. The bankruptcy trustee is now trying to sell him.

Marek Zygula, official administrator for OD Breda: “The entire collection will be used for roof cladding reconstruction, incl. draining the dome because that’s our biggest problem right now.’


1450 light bulbs are screwed into threads directly on the facade by climbers who have to descend to reach them. The latter should happen now.

Tomáš Petreček, mountaineer and extreme athlete: “I will attach the last missing light bulb there and with the help of a rope I will deliver it to that place and screw it in.”

People were impatiently waiting for the last light bulb and for the facade to shine… Gradually, individual outlines of houses emerged from the darkness.

And so the department store, which had been closed for 8 years, revived in Adventism and reminded that after the war it was the largest in Czechoslovakia and, thanks to its unique architecture, still deserves attention, although it no longer looks like it. best.

Opavanese: “Excellent! This is a great tribute to Leopold Bauer who built it so beautifully”

Almost everyone in Opava knows Breda: many shop here, others work here.

In his short speech, Michael Víteček recalled his grandmother Irena Gajová, who worked here all her life. He was originally supposed to be talking to himself. Unfortunately, he died suddenly a few days ago.

Michael Víteček, resident of Opava: “He said with a smile that he would definitely go and he would tell us all about the history of Breda. Unfortunately, he did not live to see these events.’

The department store in the center of Opava will now glow in the dark every night. The pre-Christmas atmosphere will also be reminiscent of the large Christmas tree erected on the inside entrance. Everyone can remember on Advent Sunday from 2 to 5 pm.

Roderick Glisson

"Tv nerd. Passionate food specialist. Travel practitioner. Web guru. Hardcore zombieaholic. Unapologetic music fanatic."

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