The message is clear: – Hold your feet

Police in Oslo wrote that overloading on the poor road network to Ormøya and Malmøya in Oslo created chaos for both permanent residents and emergency vehicles.

– Those who want to see the aircraft carrier must use a bicycle or walk out there, appealed to the Oslo police Twitter.

Ships from the US could be the start of more: – Norway’s potential headache

Some want to catch a glimpse of the world’s largest aircraft carrier located in the Oslo Fjord. It will stay there for the next few days. Now the police ask the audience to respect the signs in the area.

– Yesterday there was a big challenge to get emergency services out, home based services for the needy and permanent residents, they wrote.

– There will be a huge additional burden for the poor road network out there, also for permanent residents.

(© NTB)

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Lance Heptinstall

"Hardcore zombie fan. Incurable internet advocate. Subtly charming problem solver. Freelance twitter ninja."

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