60 years ago John XXIII published the encyclical “Pacem in Terris”

It was the first papal document of this rank, addressed not only – as usual – “to the bishops, clergy and laity of the Catholic Church”, but also “to all men of good will throughout the world”. This approach alone gives the encyclical a special rank and place among other Vatican documents.

Moreover, the circumstances of the signing were unusual – although it was April 11, in fact the Holy Father signed it two days earlier, and in the presence of television cameras and many photographers. It was a departure from previous customs, not just from the Vatican, and gave the whole event a global dimension. A similar response was received by the encyclical itself, which from its inception generated great interest worldwide, not just among Catholics.

The document begins with the words: “Peace on earth (Pacem in Terris), so desired by all men and women of all time, can only be established and maintained by faithful obedience to the order established by God.” Furthermore, the pope develops the issue of peace in its various dimensions, such as human order, human rights, human obligations, the relationship between citizens and the authorities of the political community and between countries, and the relationship between society and the state. to the world community. The encyclical ends with “Pastoral Guidelines”: what must be done at the pastoral level to ensure and secure peace on earth.

Atwater Adkins

"Reader. Future teen idol. Falls down a lot. Amateur communicator. Incurable student."

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