QUIZ: Christmas customs or Around the world don’t just revolve around goldfish and potato salad

For Czechs, Christmas mainly consists of schnitzel, goldfish, potato salad and sweets. But different countries, different customs. Did you know that elsewhere in the world they honor you with fried caterpillars and go to church on roller skates? Test your knowledge of overseas holiday traditions in the following quiz.

Photo: Profimedia.cz

Holidays are not celebrated the same way all over the world…

1. In which country is the straw goat such a popular symbol of Christmas that every Advent they build the largest representation of its kind in the world?
2. Where Christmas is not a national holiday, but is similar to Valentine’s Day, when lovers exchange gifts and the whole family traditionally goes to eat delicious fried chicken at famous fast food chains?
3. In which country on Christmas day is it customary to light a tall red candle near the largest window that burns all night?
4. In which city in South America do people attend Christmas Mass en masse on roller skates?

Photo: Profimedia.cz

5. Where does the old woman Befana give gifts to good children and coal to bad children on January 5?
6. Where is the giant cat that reportedly roams around at Christmas and supposedly eats everyone who doesn’t get new clothes for Christmas?
7. How about sitting at the table Christmas Eve and eating fried caterpillars? NO? Nevertheless, there are countries where representatives of the insect kingdom are one of the favorite traditional foods. Can you guess which one?

Photo: Profimedia.cz

8. The following habit will probably be appreciated by many experienced Czech housewives. Where do they hide brooms and mops at Christmas?
9. In what part of the world is Turnip Night celebrated before Christmas? Yes, you read that right, real radishes.
10. Where in the world is there talk about apples at Christmas?

Photo: Profimedia.cz

So, have you checked all the answers? If yes, evaluate the test.

QUIZ: Do you know the Christmas story? Test your knowledge

QUIZ: Do you know exotic fruits, or is your knowledge limited to avocados?

Camilla Salazar

"Unapologetic social media guru. General reader. Incurable pop culture specialist."

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