Tusk diligently implements German policies

“It is happening in such a way that in 10 or 15 years, without the knowledge of the younger generation of society, we will at least be considered accomplices in the war,” said Prof. on Telewizja wPoland. Przemysław Czarnek, a PiS MP, former head of MEiN.

Prof. Czarnek commented in an interview with Aleksandra Jakubowska about defending Donald Tusk from accusations that he ignored war reparations from Germany.

If Mr. Donald Tusk really gave a billion zlotys to the surviving victims of World War II, the wounded and their families, that is not a small amount. I don’t think Mr. Donald Tusk would refuse billions of dollars and maybe his submarine. I won’t mention the bicycle wheel because it looks like in “Sami Swoich”

– said Czarnek.

Onet came to the rescue of Donald Tusk, who made a big mistake. The fact that we are dealing with a politician who implements German policy reliably and one hundred percent has been clear for a long time. The fact that he mocked the Polish people’s demands for reparations in several election campaigns before October 15 is also nothing new. But the fact that he bowed to Scholz to the point that he declared without warning that closing the reparations case was not an issue is an incredible scandal.

– said the former chairman of MEiN.

READ ALSO: SURVEY. What do Tusk and the December 13 coalition think about this? 58.2 percent of Poles believe that we should demand reparations from Germany!

German narrative harms Poland

Prof. Czarnek notes that since the end of World War II, Germany has tried to cover up the crimes it committed, obscuring the historical truth and making it obscure. In this, he believes there is an element of cultural policy intended to justify Germany.

Germany has been doing this consistently for 80 years, first by inserting German criminals, even German city leaders, into the state and local government apparatus. Later, they invested huge amounts of money in their cinematography, making films like “Our Mothers, Our Fathers”, which portrayed Germans as victims of war and Nazism. The mayor of Ravensbruck even thanked General Maczek’s soldiers for liberating the city from “Nazi occupation”. Therefore, we entered this narrative with our films made with a lot of money, where we portrayed Poles only as exploiters, like “In Darkness”, “Pokłosie” or even “Ida”. These are films that treat Poles badly

– he showed.

The World War II Museum with its narrative until 2017 also entered the narrative. Currently, those who head the Museum claim that the Blessed Ulma Family, who were martyred by the Germans for heroically saving Jews, Saint. Maximilian Maria Kolbe, who gave her life for her neighbors, even under the sentence of death by starvation or rtm. Witold Pilecki, who fought against the Germans and then the Soviets and revealed the truth about the death camps, do not fit into the concept of World War II because “they are examples of a one-sided view of World War II”

– he says.

It is such that in 10 or 15 years, even if the younger generation of society does not realize it, we will at least be considered accomplices in the war. But why? So we have to pay compensation to someone now? (…) The World War II Museum administrators are complex people.

– asked Prof. Czarnek.


JUST WITH US: Prof. Czarnek: Tusk, without any verbal prompting from Scholz, said he did not want reparations. That’s the German ordnung

— German press: “Scholz may be satisfied with Tusk’s government.” Daily FAZ accuses PiS of an “aggressive and delusional approach”

– ONLY HERE. Janecki: Scholz hits Tusk like a road roller on a tomato. The prime minister gets nothing at all

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Atwater Adkins

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