“The problem is”: Part of the Confederation started cooperation with the AfD. Do you think Putin should also improve?

The Confederation has decided to give new hope to the AfD. And literally, because three MEPs from the New Hope party will join the AfD, allowing Germany to form its own faction in the European Parliament. Meanwhile, Anna Bryłka, a member of the European Parliament from the National Movement, argues that cooperation with the Alternative for Germany is “against Poland’s interests.” Which part of the Confederation is right?

Why the AfD needs MPs from the Confederation

In the previous European Parliament, the AfD was in the Identity and Democracy faction – alongside Italy’s Northern League led by Matteo Salivini and France’s National Rally led by Marine Le Pen. But it was expelled from this faction. The latter was a statement by Maximilian Krah, who defended members of the elite Nazi SS unit, responsible for the greatest crimes of World War II.

And now, in the new term, the only chance for the AfD to appear in the European Parliament is to form its own faction. However, this requires a certain number of MEPs from a certain number of countries. And here, Stanisław Tyszka, Paweł Kukiz’s former right-hand man, and now Sławomir Mentzen, came to the meeting and, after long negotiations, led to an alliance between New Hope and the AfD in exchange for the position of vice-chairman of the new faction. And the European Sovereign States faction was formed.

Is the AfD’s program really contrary to Poland’s interests?

What is Marine Le Pen so afraid of, and what – and why – is Sławomir Mentzen not afraid of? – Marine Le Pen wants to be considered an ordinary politician, she wants her party to become mainstream – answers Jerzy Haszczyński. – The AfD supports the reconstruction of Nord Stream and its restart. In short: she wants to return to cooperation with Russia, adds the head of the foreign department of “Rzeczpospolita”.

Atwater Adkins

"Reader. Future teen idol. Falls down a lot. Amateur communicator. Incurable student."

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