– There is a war in Yugoslavia, but it has a special character. There were many fronts, many opponents, and it all took place on an area that was quite clearly smaller than the territory of Poland, because Yugoslavia was 240,000. sq km This war is such that they shoot here for a while, they dance there. I say all this from my own experience, because I was there. After all, it has nothing to do with what is happening in Ukraine – Jarosław Kaczyński recently spoke.
The article continues below the video.
tvN’s “facts” tell Kaczyński: a new kind of truth
In Tuesday’s TVN “Fakty” material, entitled “Knowledge and life” and prepared by Katarzyna Górniak, references are made to these words.
– There is already time correct and screen correct. Now about the new kind of truth presented in the pre-campaign … Jarosław Kaczyński promotes his own interpretation not only of what is in Poland … The world according to the president – announced leader Diana Rudnik.
– This is a scandalous statement by a person who traveled several days and several kilometers from the war zone – judged General Roman Polko, who took part in peacekeeping missions in the former Yugoslavia.
– People lost their lives, property, health. In Bosnia and Herzegovina alone, more than 100,000 people died. people – recalls in turn Dr. Marko Babi from the University of Warsaw.
The “facts” are reminiscent of the ethnic cleansing and massacre of Srebrenica, the largest genocide in Europe after World War II. The background to the expert’s statements is excerpts from materials shot during the Balkan wars. As a result, up to 300,000 people could die. people
In turn, the president of Polish Humanitarian Action, Janina Ochojska, with whom Kaczyński and other politicians traveled in the 1990s in a humanitarian convoy, said that “the president showed up one morning at a truck stop”. “He’s sleeping in the hotel in a pretty, fresh blue shirt,” he commented.
The line of hurtful punches in the material “Fakty” is the joke of Kaczyński himself, who uttered a joke at the meeting in Oleśnica: – Unfortunately, unfair, but I am not a Nobel laureate.
“Reader. Future teen idol. Falls down a lot. Amateur communicator. Incurable student.”