A surprising proposition from Hołownia. Repair in the background

If Germany is to really move forward and somehow solve the problem both morally and financially, then they have to arm Ukraine; as part of demanding war damages from Germany for Poland, I will demand the arming of Ukraine – Polish 2050 leader Szymon Hołownia said at Studio PAP on Wednesday.

READ ALSO: What About Reparations from Germany? Mularczyk: It will be a longer process, because today there is no awareness of what happened during World War II

The leader of Poland 2050, Szymon Hołownia, spoke on Wednesday in an interview with PAP.PL about Poland’s claim for damages from Germany for the losses they caused during World War II.

Today, as part of my request for reparations for Poland, I will demand the arming of Ukraine

– He says.

Poland’s strategic interest is to hope that if Germany does move forward and is somehow morally and financially responsible and to build a new security structure, because that makes the most sense, then they should arm Ukraine.

– added

Hołownia stressed that armament must be carried out quickly and without raising any doubts.

The need for (rearming) which leaves no room for the intentions of the German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz

– he shows.

We must have an exemplary relationship.”

Polish leaders in 2050 judge current German policies wrong.

Today the Germans admit that they made a mistake in eastern policy, that they were too optimistic

– added.

He stressed that because of its historical experience, over many years, also before the rule of Law and Justice, Poland has drawn attention to Germany’s erroneous policies towards Russia.

I will fight for Poland to have some influence on what they do, say where they pay and what Germany sends. There is only one way to do this – in such a way that you have your own strength, that you have your own potential

– he judged.

Hołownia stated that Poland needed good relations with Germany.

This is our neighbour, it always will be, it is a very powerful country in the European Union, we must have exemplary relations

– He says.

He added that if we want to be able to “grab (German) attention, improve them, influence processes, then we have to sit at the table, not under the table.”

The Polish leader in 2050 considered that Poland, especially during the United Rights administration, especially in recent years, did “a lot” to weaken Poland’s position in relations with EU countries.

Polish report on reparations

Jarosław Kaczyński, President of Law and Justice, announced in mid-July that the first part of the report prepared by the Parliamentary Team for Estimates of Compensation Due to Poland from Germany for Damage Caused During World War II would be published on September 1.

The report was prepared by the Parliamentary Team for the Estimated Amount of Compensation Due to Poland from Germany for Damage Caused during World War II, which operated during the previous parliamentary term – from September 2017. The team led by PiS MP Arkadiusz Mularczyk prepared a report on Poland’s losses as a result of the War. World II and the amount of compensation for Poland from Germany.

In mid-July, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, asked in Boronów (Voląskie Voivodeship) what Poland had done in recent years to obtain war compensation and reparations from Germany, given the comprehensive report being prepared, which showed the scope not only of German crimes war during World War II, but also the damage inflicted.

The head of government later announced that the report had now been translated into several languages. Morawiecki noted that Poland was one of the countries that suffered the most from World War II, and received practically “footprint, minimal funds as compensation”. “It can hardly be called compensation,” said the then Prime Minister.

The entire interview with Poland’s 2050 leader Szymon Hołownia is HERE.


-How to convince Germany to pay compensation to Poland? Republican Activist: Poland must make Germany feel guilty

-What about compensation? Sellin: For Polish-German reconciliation to really take place, this issue must be resolved

-POLDING. What do Poles think about reparations from Germany? Half of the respondents agreed to apply for compensation

mm / PAP

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