Attack on Donald Trump. World media: This will increase his chances of winning

According to the Daily Telegraph, this is the most important moment in American politics in decades, and history suggests that this will make it easier. Trump back to the White House.

“There is no denying that this event will have a significant impact on this year’s presidential election. Trump built his campaign on the idea that everyone is out to catch him. Federal prosecutors, judges, election officials, political opponents and journalists have been accused of trying to destroy his campaign and prevent him from returning to the White House. Many of these allegations have been rightly denied. But after the incident in Pennsylvania, even Trump’s worst enemies can’t deny that there are people who would rather he die than be re-elected,” the Daily Telegraph wrote.

Will Trump be president again?

He added that polls have shown Trump is likely to be re-elected as president in November because the past few months have been tough for his rivals. Joe Biden, and Trump’s conviction has had little impact on his popularity. He predicted Saturday’s events would only increase his support; he recalled that months after he was shot. Reagan in 1981, the newly elected Republican president saw his support in the polls increase by eight percentage points.

The Financial Times, more cautious in its assessment, wrote that “the assassination attempt in Pennsylvania is likely to reinforce the former president’s image as a martyr.” “Trump’s allies regard him as a remarkable survivor. In their eyes, he was already a political martyr, having fought dozens of criminal charges over the past two years. But surviving the attack has sparked new expressions of devotion, admiration and adoration for the former president among Republicans and others in his inner circle. MAGA (MAGA, or Make America Great Again, is Trump’s campaign slogan – PAP),” said the “FT”.

“Trump is unbeatable”

The newspaper cited Republican politicians who believe Trump is now unbeatable, but also Rob Casey of political analysis firm Signum Global Advisers, which is not affiliated with either party, who said that “this event has the potential to boost support for former President Trump, highlight his passion, motivate his supporters and generate sympathy for him.”

How does this attack impact Biden’s campaign?

However, Casey believes that this event can also help to some extent. Bidendivert attention from his age and doubts about his mental fitness and reduce pressure on him to withdraw from the race for re-election.

“FT” also reminds us of Reagan’s rise in popularity after his assassination.

Atwater Adkins

"Reader. Future teen idol. Falls down a lot. Amateur communicator. Incurable student."

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