Author: Lance Heptinstall

"Hardcore zombie fan. Incurable internet advocate. Subtly charming problem solver. Freelance twitter ninja."

Inside the presidential residence – VG

The protesters refused to leave the mansion until the president actually stepped down. Published: Less than 30 minutes ago On Friday, protesters stormed the presidential residence in the Sri Lankan capital, Colombo. Hours later, another man set the prime minister’s

Can be fined 5000 kroner

In the coastal city of Sorrento in Italy, they introduced a dress code that everyone must follow. The city wants tourists to follow “local customs” and they want to get rid of what they describe as “inappropriate and appropriate behavior”.

New verdict for Derek Chauvin – VG

Sentenced: Former police officer Derek Chauvin during his June 2021 trial. Photo: AP Former police officer Derek Chauvin has been sentenced to 21 years in federal court for violating George Floyd’s civil rights. Published: Updated yesterday 00:01 A Minnesota court

Elverum – Lily (3) sick after swimming

On Thursday last week, Trine Granheim Hansen and his daughter were in Sagtjern in Elverum in fine weather. She said her daughter Lilje, who turned four this summer, played and had fun by the water all day. But in the

Fear of weakening the subject – VG

Photo: Thomas Brun / NTB Associate Professor Jakob Gyring is concerned that physical education subjects will lose status if their grades are removed. – I’m not going to bombard about whether we should have grades in a subject or not,

Johnson resigns: – It can take over

With Boris Johnson on his way out of 10 Downing Street, speculation is rife about who will take over as prime minister and party leader. Within the party, it has been fairly open for several months that there has been