Author: Camilla Salazar

"Unapologetic social media guru. General reader. Incurable pop culture specialist."

Rabbi Castle Ruins | Tips for travel

With an area of ​​about one hectare, Rabí is often referred to as one of the largest castle ruins in Bohemia. In Moravia, Helfštýn in the Olomouc Region is considered the most extensive and largest ruin, followed by Hukvaldy Castle

REVIEW: Say it with a dog will please dog lovers

From an opening montage of dog skills, including playing the piano, one enjoys an hour and a half of light entertainment that doesn’t involve vulgarity or awkwardness. It’s just that in terms of human heroes and their plots, it’s quite

F1 22 game review summary

One more year, another year of formula racing from the developers of the Codemasters studio. F1 22 is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series. What signs do new products receive from foreign reviewers? You can check