Błaszczak talks about the destabilization of Poland! It’s about Belarus activities – Super Express

Błaszczak on the attack from the territory of Belarus

“Minsk continues to force people to cross the border illegally, thus trying to destabilize Poland,” Deputy Prime Minister National Defense Minister Mariusz Baszczak said in Brussels after the Bucharest Nine meeting.

“I reminded today about the threats associated with attacks from the territory of Belarus – both to Ukraine, and the hybrid attacks that occurred in Poland last fall” – informed Błaszczak. “We are still dealing with attempts to force people invited to visit Belarus to cross the border illegally. There is no doubt that this is a method intended to destabilize Poland” – stressed Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland .

The Bucharest Nine was initiated by Poland and Romania in 2014. Currently, 9 NATO and European Union countries participate in it. In addition to the initiators, these are: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania and Slovakia. Its purpose is to support a shared security project.

Komorowski DESTROYS shopping for Błaszczak! What is this about?!


Do you think Mariusz Baszczak did a good job as Minister of National Defense?

Atwater Adkins

"Reader. Future teen idol. Falls down a lot. Amateur communicator. Incurable student."

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