With the ongoing war in Ukraine, speculation continues to pile up about Russian President Vladimir Putin’s health. Recently, there have been reports that the head of Russia must smell strange, and that cancer and Parkinson’s disease influenced his decision. Since
In the past, we also watched the television series Cobra 11 in the Czech Republic. He shows us the daily routine of German highway police officers as an adrenaline-pumping fun, where there’s no need for high speed to catch bad
The 2022 European Football Championship will be played in England between 6 and 31 July. The match was broadcast on TV 2 and NRK channels. The Norwegian national team met Northern Ireland, England and Austria in the group stage. Here
In light of Russia’s attack on Ukraine, Berlin social senator Katja Kipping estimates the largest refugee influx in Europe since World War II. “What we’ve experienced so far is just the tip of the iceberg,” Kipping told Deutschlandfunk radio, Friday
On Thursday last week, Trine Granheim Hansen and his daughter were in Sagtjern in Elverum in fine weather. She said her daughter Lilje, who turned four this summer, played and had fun by the water all day. But in the
I’m not used to distancing myself from people, I talk to them, invite them for coffee. But if I don’t want to sit in a dry place, Sara Polak has to order it for me. We met at the innovative
There could have been a few more goal points for Reiten as Norway’s attacking stars crushed the opposition. Several times at the start, the ball was thrown away by the referee because it was too soft. Once Reiten himself came
Andrzej Duda spoke to the German daily “Bild” last week. The Polish president commented on Olaf Scholz and Emmanuel Macron’s call to Vladimir Putin. – I am amazed at all the conversations. They did not bring any results. Did anyone
Photo: Thomas Brun / NTB Associate Professor Jakob Gyring is concerned that physical education subjects will lose status if their grades are removed. – I’m not going to bombard about whether we should have grades in a subject or not,
Let’s remember: as established in 2019 by the portal “Onet”, there will be a center in the Ministry of Justice that oversees and coordinates actions aimed at judges who oppose judicial reform. In other words, hatred is organized in such