Bhatti catches fire in April: No basis – VG

In April, Zaniar Matapour, 43, was stopped in a car with Islamist center Arfan Bhatti at the SIAN demonstration in Stovner. His defenders believe that there is no basis for it. VG previously said that Zaniar Matapour, 43, who opened

REVIEW: Say it with a dog will please dog lovers

From an opening montage of dog skills, including playing the piano, one enjoys an hour and a half of light entertainment that doesn’t involve vulgarity or awkwardness. It’s just that in terms of human heroes and their plots, it’s quite

– Absolutely thrilling – VG

REVERSE: SIAN’s car was in a ditch after the crash on Friday night. Photo: VG-tips Both the driver and passenger who drove the car with SIAN leader Lars Thorsen on Saturday afternoon, have been arrested and charged. Published: Updated July

Kyiv Mayor: – We feel betrayed by the West

The eastern Donbas are currently home to the biggest battle Europe has seen in generations. The largest city of Donbas, Luhansk, has fallen under Russian control. Hence there is some skepticism associated with the claims of the Ukrainian government that

– Our hearts bleed – VG

PER IN THE CORNER, OSLO (VG) Tadzedin “Tasko” Fetisi (47) was impressed when he opened the door for Per around the corner on Sunday, a day and a half after the mass shooting. Published: Updated June 26 “Terror strikes us,