Book more vacations and turn on the TV, doctor advises from Brno Health | News | Brno Gossip

The summer months directly push you to go on vacation somewhere. However, many workers delay their breaks for so long that they end up not being able to go on vacation at all. Doctors from Brno demonstrated the risk of a constant workload and an inability to temporarily shut down. According to them, people can be saved from boredom even just by watching serials.

Everyone may associate helping professions such as nurses, caregivers or teachers with the term psychological burnout. But actually this problem is also often faced by employees in administrative work, which involves many routine and unpleasant tasks.

“This action does not fill a person with positive emotions. Over time, the good feeling of work done in response to a completed task will fade and is no longer sufficient if the work is stereotyped and long-term.” explained the head of the Department of Clinical Psychology at St. University Hospital. Anna in Brno Zuzana Spurna.

In addition, more and more people are showing symptoms. These are usually anxiety, depression, sleep disturbances, feelings of frustration or aggression, general physical exhaustion or loss of interest in maintaining social contacts. Prevention and balance of life are important. Therefore, experts advise not to postpone the day off without working too much.

“The goal is to balance the ratio of rational behavior, which is associated with the fulfillment of less pleasant tasks, and positive emotional experiences. This means doing in my spare time what I enjoy, what satisfies me, what makes me happy.” describe a phenomenon called energy balance.

Don’t compare yourself to others

At the same time, he warns against comparing yourself to other workers. Fun and relaxation can mean something different to everyone. “We should not give in to the feeling that someone who works in the garden in his spare time does something better in terms of preventing fatigue than someone who plays board games or watches soap operas,” he stated.

It’s also important not to overestimate your strengths. According to psychologist Brno, only a certain number of tasks can be fulfilled in everyday life, which means energy expenditure for a person. But you also need to gain strength and realize that it’s not always possible to achieve everything you want. “It’s the only way to avoid exhaustion from exhaustion,” he concluded.

Julia Craig

"Certified bacon geek. Evil social media fanatic. Music practitioner. Communicator."

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