Ardo is not just any horse. It was the noble horse of Prince Václav himself. An equestrian statue by sculptor Josef V. Myslbek with a prince on horseback adorns Wenceslas Square in Prague. Although many do not know it, the horse statue also has smaller copies. It has decorated the University of Veterinary Medicine building for many years.
“It has become a tradition towards the end of the first semester, students make Ard into a fairy tale for several days to have fun. Of course, Ardo endured it patiently, while during this unexpected transformation he became a great attraction,” university spokesperson Soňa Šmahelová told Práv.
During his current transformation, the horse is given a figurehead depicting one of the nine Nazgûl who are trying to prevent Frodo Baggins’ hobbit expedition from going to Mount Doom, where the ring of power will be destroyed.
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If Ardo could talk about his transformation, it would be a long and dramatic story. In the past, he has portrayed the offspring of a donkey and a dragon from the fairy tale Shrek, the orlokon Klofan from the Harry Potter stories, as well as unicorns, Pegasus and ponies known from the children’s animated fairy tale series. My little pony.
For the transformation, students usually need duct tape, crepe paper, plastic wrap and courage. The noble Ardo then changed beyond recognition. This statue can be freely accessed by the public.
Photo: Brno Veterinary University
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