Photo of Corriere Cesenate – IT /Padre-Mauro-Gambetti-sara-ordinato-vescovo-il-22-novembre_articleimage.jpg, CC BY-SA 3.0
He encouraged the Italian politician to build a society based on the principle of brotherhood, Cardinal Mauro Gambetia. The papal vicar for the Vatican was invited to the lower house of parliament to lecture on the encyclical “Fratelli tutti”.
Card. Gambetti, still custodian of the Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi, he witnessed the signing of this encyclical, because the Pope wanted to do it at the grave of the Poor. The Franciscan cardinal stressed that Fratelli tutti was a Copernican revolution in public perception. When the Pope signed the encyclical, I dreamed that humanity would finally enter the path of development for all, recalls Cardinal Gambetti.
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The encyclical was born out of a prayer from the Pope’s heart to the Creator: “Lord and Father, instill in our hearts the spirit of brotherhood”. The Pope wants to inspire all humanity to fraternity, because it is considered by the signs of the times, which the Second Vatican Council has underlined. It’s hard to imagine a future without brotherhood. I think it is clear to everyone that the world has no future except that a world order, social, economic and political, based on fraternity develops. This is an important choice. The other is brother or foe. There is no other alternative. Therefore, from the loneliness of the “I” we turn to the social construction of “us”. Franciszek wants anthropological change based on ties (…). To build open brotherhood, he asks us not to take our eyes off the figure of St. Francis, who brought peace and walked with the latter, the poor, the rejected,” said the papal vicar for the Vatican.
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