Replica is a special chat application that, based on artificial intelligence, learns from its users to communicate via chat. It has been operating since 2017, when it was founded by Russian programmer Eugenie Kuyda, after the sudden death of her
He studied IT, then worked as a video producer, but was still wondering what else to try next. After that comes marketing or music production. “And it was all etched in my head for so long that I ended up
The detention of the OSCE inspector was carried out last Friday by order of the Russian military intelligence agency GRU. The spokesperson for the Ukrainian secret service SBU announced this in Kyiv today. Said to be confirmed by intercepted conversations,
Former Prime Minister Petr Nečas emphasized that the cases of the three former ODS members, who are currently in custody, did not involve bribes. The politician, who handed his resignation from the post of prime minister to the president and
Today, the Liberec District Court has not detained any of the defendants in the Oleo Chemical case, including lobbyist Ivo Rittig. The Prague High Prosecutor’s Office originally proposed the arrest of five people, one of the proposals being withdrawn by
2015: June 23 – Energy workers shut down fourth production unit unplanned due to pipeline leak. The shutdown lasted six days. August 28th – The longest planned shutdown last year has started. The first unit was closed due to extensive
(PHOTO GALLERY) Despite the bitter cold, tens of thousands of Russians demonstrated against Vladimir Putin’s regime or, conversely, came to support their prime minister and major favorite in the presidential election. Russia is due to elect a new head of
Last year, Greece managed to achieve better results on key budget indicators than predicted by a bailout agreement with international creditors. However, Greece’s total deficit doubled due to bank restructuring costs, according to data from the statistical office Eurostat. The
Thousands of photovoltaic power plant operators did not register in time for the collective system that was supposed to handle solar panel recycling. At the same time, they had until last summer. The Czech Environmental Inspectorate (ČIŽP) has started random
January 9, 2023·Cocktails·Lenka Skrzeczkova Jan Werich. (Photo: Profimedia) When in September 1938 Nazi Germany occupied the Czechoslovak border. Jiří Voskovec and Jan Werich had spoken out against the Third Reich for some time. They rely on it, for example, in