CONNECTION. war day 845. Zelensky: It was a great success

Day 845 of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine is underway. On the website, we report events on the front for you.

READ MORE: REPORTS from the war day by day.

Monday, June 17 2024

00:01. Zelensky: The concluded peace summit was a great success for Ukraine

The peace summit that ended in Switzerland with the participation of more than 90 countries and international organizations was “a great success for Ukraine and all its partners,” Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said. He added that Russia “is not ready for a just peace.”

Zelensky said at a press conference at the end of the meeting that the message adopted by most participants supported efforts to quickly end Russia’s war in Ukraine based on the UN Charter.

I hope we can achieve results as soon as possible

– he says.

The Ukrainian president announced that the summit participants agreed to start working after the meeting on a special working group that will work on “specific ideas, proposals and solutions that can restore security in various aspects” and pave the way for a second peace organization. summit, which could – as he stressed – end the war.

Zelensky said Russia, which was not invited to the summit, “is not ready for a just peace right now.” According to him, this was reinforced by Vladimir Putin’s recent statement.


Atwater Adkins

"Reader. Future teen idol. Falls down a lot. Amateur communicator. Incurable student."

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