Daylight saving time ends Sunday evening. At 03:00, the clock goes back to 02:00, making the night one hour longer. Central European Standard Time (CET) begins, and winter terms are adopted. Valid for the next five months, namely until the last Sunday of March next year.
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Sunrise captured from the Black Tower | Photo: Martin Pokorný
According to the European Commission’s plan, there is mandatory rotation time to end across the European Union last year. But member states disagree on which one time will apply permanently. Therefore, the Czech government approved the regulation last year, according to which time change even in the next five years.
The government abandons winter, some people switch to summer. Lebanon is the only country where both times are at the same time
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Summer time was first introduced in Czech territory in 1915 and 1916. Time made a comeback during the Second World War in 1940 and lasted until 1949. Czechs began advancing their watches for a third time during the energy crisis of the late 1970s.
It was summer in the Czech Republic until the mid-1990s time half year. Since 1996, the republic has joined the European Union customs, and the time shift lasted seven months.
It started with summer time introduced due to energy savings, which are now negligible. On the contrary, experts point out that negative impacts on human health are more common.
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