Fratria Management Board on TVN’s unethical activities: “Outrageousness”

Statement of the Fratria Management Board, the publisher of the weekly Sieci, the portal and the television broadcaster wPolsce24

A few days ago, Senator of the Republic of Poland, Grzegorz Bierecki, suffered a massive heart attack. He survived thanks to the quick help of his family and then a complicated operation. He still has to undergo further treatment, and most importantly, a period of recovery and rest. There is a good chance of returning to full fitness in a few months.

Senator Grzegorz Bierecki’s heart attack was no longer a secret. News spread quickly and almost everyone involved in Polish politics knew about it. The knowledgeable TVN station, which had been following and persecuting him for years, must have known about it too.

However, today, just a few days after Senator Bierecki’s heart attack, TVN broadcaster published an aggressive and false announcement about another insult against this respected and respected public figure. The anti-communist opposition activist, also during the martial law and later, a long-time senator, one of the founders of financial cooperatives in Poland, respected in the cooperative community worldwide, the founder of many patriotic monuments and charity campaigns, one of the founders of the company that publishes the weekly “Sieci”, the portal and broadcasts the television wPolsce24 is presented there in a very unfair manner. He is subjected to terrible and baseless accusations that are not supported by facts, documents or court decisions.

Legal action will be taken against repeat false accusations. They usually issue an apology or correction, unfortunately only after years of court battles.

The left-liberal media keeps returning to this discovery every time, thanks to Senator Bierecki, the space for media freedom is expanded. In this way, they try to destroy competition and close the system. This time it is the same, except that there is most likely a conscious attempt to kill Senator Bierecki. Because making such horrible and absurd accusations against the entire country at a time when the target of the campaign is fighting for his life and health right after a massive heart attack can have easily predictable consequences.

The Fratria management board strongly protests this example of barbarity and calls on the entire journalistic community and public opinion to condemn the unethical actions carried out by the powerful television station TVN, which is closely linked to the current ruling camp.

Board of Directors of Fratria sp.zo

Romuald Orzel

Michael Karnowski

Atwater Adkins

"Reader. Future teen idol. Falls down a lot. Amateur communicator. Incurable student."

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