Gdańsk: Piotr Grzelak apologises for remarks on end of war anniversary

Gdańsk’s celebrations for the end of World War II took place this morning at the Monument “To the Innocence of Gdańsk”. Peter Grzelak He said at the celebration that the global conflict had claimed tens of millions of victims. He recalled that one of them was “Erwina Barzychowska, an 11-year-old pupil of the guard who guarded the Polish Post Office in Gdańsk.” He also mentioned a dollhouse on display at the Museum of the Second World War in Gdańsk, which belonged to “a German girl who hid in a shelter in besieged Berlin and played with these dolls.”

– These two girls, young women, their childhood was taken away, their lives were taken away, what we can enjoy today was taken away. And what happened in the beginning? In the beginning was a word. A dirty word. A word against another. A bad word from Poles against other countries, from Germans against other countries. Europe was divided because of this bad news. And today it seems good to remember the words of the President of the European Council, who said that today the language is slowly turning in the wrong direction, Grzelak stressed.

Atwater Adkins

"Reader. Future teen idol. Falls down a lot. Amateur communicator. Incurable student."

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