Batches will take place at the Alterna club, ArtBar Druhy Pád, Fléda, Cabinet muz, Kafara, Metro Music Bar, Music Lab, Ponava, Rusty Nail, Sibiř, Sono Music Club, Stará Pekárna and Vegalité. Visitors can choose between a one-day or two-day pass that applies to all clubs.
“The fact that thirteen clubs competing in the field of independent music production can agree and coordinate is a small miracle, and we expect an exquisite atmosphere to await us in Brno for two days. At the very varied local clubs you will be able to choose from the menu at where everyone will find something for themselves.You will be able to travel from club to club with a single ticket Batch will take you to places you might not see.The batch will thus become an annual dose of great music and entertainment Brno, ” said Vít Kalvoda, chairman of the Music Association Brno Club, on behalf of the organizers.
Argentine rapper Catnapp, Hungarian cymbal Miklós Lukács with trio Cimbiosis, Slovakian Longital, Prague-based Briton Phil Schöenfelt, Hungarian thrashcore Crippled Fox, British crust Extinction of Mankind and Polish punk Dezerter are coming to Batch.
Photo: Michal Krumphanzl, CTK
Kalle Group
The Czech lineup will be represented by, for example, Hasan, Kalle, Acid Row, Old Lady’s Boudoir, The Silver Spoons, Deaf Heart and others.
The second edition of the ReConnect music conference, organized by the Czech music pro-export office SoundCzech, the Czech Republic Music Managers Forum platform and the music club association Brno BACH, will also connect with Batch club nights at Fléda locations and Cabinet club Múz.
You can buy Batch tickets on the GoOut sales network and smstickets for 290-490 CZK.
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