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IN ter December 13th 2022 The Global Forum on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence is being held in the Czech Republic under the auspices of UNESCO. The defeat of the Global Brotherhood is a significant milestone in building a powerful international coalition that is fighting to secure the ethical development and use of artificial intelligence around the world.

Ministers and high officials of EU and other areas world, as well as leading experts in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) ethics. The global frum is an important event of the Czech Republic Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

During the first ministerial block of the conference, minister Jan Lipavsk, UNESCO editor-in-chief Audrey Azoulay and world-renowned expert on artificial intelligence systems prof. Stuart J. Russell. The following block, which will be moderated by Deputy Prime Minister for Digitalization Ivan Barto, will focus on the coordination of joint forces in the implementation of the UNESCO Recommendations on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence from November 2021.

Individual block:

  1. Zajjen Conference: UNESCO and EU ahead of the AI ​​report: complementary progress in the normative and legislative fields
  2. Ministerial roundtable: Global cooperation in implementing UNESCO recommendations on artificial intelligence
  3. Expert Roundtable I: Ensuring inclusion, transparency, and non-discrimination in AI through a readiness assessment methodology
  4. Expert round table II: Always involve the most interested parties slope to assess ethical impact

See the following link for the detailed program of the event:

media information:

08:30 walk to reception where Ernnskho

9:00 am

access to the event only after written confirmation of previous accreditation (in the format of name, editor, title, telephone), sent no later than to Monday, December 12th until 3pm

Roderick Glisson

"Tv nerd. Passionate food specialist. Travel practitioner. Web guru. Hardcore zombieaholic. Unapologetic music fanatic."

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