He lives with a rare genetic defect. He makes fun of his disability on social media

“I was born with a genetic defect. It is a very rare disease, the severe form of it is only two or three in the country,” said Kristýna, 23.

Rare diseases can also have milder forms, when only one limb is affected. Kristýna has all four, plus spinal scoliosis. Fortunately, her disease is not progressive, so her condition does not get worse.

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Kristýna has suffered from a genetic defect since birth.

However, to reach his current condition, he had to undergo several operations in his childhood and continue to exercise.

Due to a failed delivery, she was supposed to end up in an institution. Now, a disability advocate helps others.


“The advantage is that my mother is a physiotherapist, so she was constantly exercising with me at home from an early age. The situation now will always be the same,” he explained.

Handicap is not an obstacle

Currently, Kristýna works as an administrative worker in one of the Znojmo companies. She studied singing at the conservatory, but due to her small lung capacity, she cannot sing.

He doesn’t see the fact that he was born with a genetic defect as a barrier to enjoying life.

“I often think that if this had happened to me in my life, it would have been harder for me. The fact that I was always with him and everyone put me in the normal group since childhood, so I didn’t take it that way,” Kristýna told Novinkám.

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Kristýna, Pavla and Marketet

Kristý’s friends Markéta and Pavla are very supportive of her life. They make videos with her, and the three spend their free time together. Their friendship has been going on since elementary school.

“I don’t see anything as an obstacle at all. It can always be done,” Markéta told Novinka.

“Because we’ve known each other for so long, it doesn’t feel like that anymore. We know what we’re capable of giving him, that he doesn’t take that attitude at all. For some people it might seem rude that we make fun of him, but because we’ve known each other for so long and he accepts it, it doesn’t bother us anymore,” Pavla added.

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Fate does not choose

It was precisely because of her disability that Kristýna went to foster parents immediately after birth, where she grew up. “When I was born, my own parents gave me up. They only found out after I was born that I had a disability. I guess they couldn’t imagine having to take care of me, so they gave me up,” she explains.

“I don’t blame them. I don’t have to judge them. I personally know that I wouldn’t do it, so I’m at peace with that,” Kristýna added.

Photo: News

Markéta and Pavla are Kristýna’s supporters in every situation. And vice versa.

He grew up with a foster family since he was nine months old. Thanks to this, he has five other siblings. “I consider them all mine,” he added.

Humor on wheels. Sometimes even reckless.

Kristýna was motivated to create a profile and poke fun at ordinary situations in her life by a friend who was born without arms and legs. He gave her the impetus that the general public would be interested in how people who use wheelchairs live.

“After that, the girls and I went on vacation to the Krkonoše Mountains, and there we said, let’s shoot the first video,” she recalls.

“After this video, it was clear we had to continue,” he added.

They have now released almost 60 videos and are adding new ones every week. All of them are based on common situations in our lives together. During the summer, Kristýna also plans to do streaming, which is a live broadcast on social networks.

Additionally, he has plans to create a podcast where he wants to invite other people with disabilities and share their stories with the world.

Due to a car accident, Karolína has to sit in a wheelchair. But that doesn’t stop her from dancing.


High school student Katka has been using a wheelchair since she was 11, and despite health problems, she leads a very active life.


Julia Craig

"Certified bacon geek. Evil social media fanatic. Music practitioner. Communicator."

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