Head injuries and burns. The rescuers are busy during the Znojmo grape harvest Health | News | Brno Gossip

According to the savior of South Moravia, the entertainment prepared this year in Znojmo for visitors does not end with sipping wine and listening to music in peace. Paramedics had to treat nearly seventy patients, some of whom ended up in hospital with injuries.

Three rescue crews spent the second weekend of September at Znojmo, where Znojmo’s historic vintage has been taking place since Friday. While people enjoyed countless concerts, parades with King John of Luxembourg and period costumes, health workers had to take action. “As of Friday, we had more than two dozen people in our care, about half of the cases involved injuries, for example head injuries or bruised limbs,“said the rescue spokesman Michaela Bothová.

Today, the main part of the program awaits two major South Moravian events. This year, the 75th year of Pálav di Mikulov vintage and 38th year of Znojmo’s historic vintage take place on the same date. There is interest in pre-sale tickets for the wine festival in both…

Forty people also needed help on Saturday, with half of the patients suffering injuries such as bruises, abrasions and burns. “The rest are internal conditions, namely allergies, as well as seizures or chest pain.” Both said, noting that some of the injured had to go to the hospital.

South Moravian police officers are also preparing for an influx of tourists to Znojmo. Law enforcement officials monitor traffic restrictions, closures and possible crimes in Znojmo and Mikulov, where the vintage occurred at the same time. “Cities will be filled with thousands of people, therefore not only law enforcement officers and uniformed traffic police, but also plainclothes crime officers who will focus on street crimes will be deployed in security measures.” a police spokesman notified before the weekend Petra Hrůzová.

Julia Craig

"Certified bacon geek. Evil social media fanatic. Music practitioner. Communicator."

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