How to manipulate on TVP “Wiadomości”. Report of the Society of Journalists –

09/18/2023, 06:09

The Journalists’ Society Monitoring Team is preparing a catalogue of manipulations of the main issue of TVP “Wiadomości” (photo: Piotr Molęcki/East News)

– Perhaps the most important method of manipulation is information selection, that is, choosing the information that the manipulator wants the recipient to hear. At the same time, bypassing (bypassing) others so that the recipient does not learn about an event – said the Journalists’ Society Monitoring Team, which monitored and analyzed the main edition of TVP’s “Wiadomości” on September 11-16.

According to Andrzej Krajewski from the management board of the Society of Journalists, the current monitoring differs from previous monitoring in that it does not take into account how long individual statements of politicians will be published in the “Wiadomości” materials.

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“We decided that this was unreasonable because the main news daily TVP was no longer publishing news; it was a television broadcast containing PiS messages to the masses, which was the telecommunications center of propaganda for the party and the government,” Andrzej Krajewski said.

“However, we counted how many materials were related to the elections and referendums, how many times Donald Tusk and other election candidates appeared in them, and we explained what propaganda tricks were used by the authors of “Wiadomości” – he added.

The Journalists’ Society Monitoring Team consists of: Dorota Ceran, Jerzy Modlinger, Grażyna Ogrodowska, Anna Szewczuk, Stanisław Jędrzejewski, Krzysztof Grzegorzewski.

Monday, September 11

An analysis of that day’s edition showed that of the 13 materials, 8 were propaganda, 5 were election-related, and 7 were frightening.

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“The news was one of PiS’s big election issues – starting with the PiS referendum, and then consisting of materials encouraging the government and pressuring the opposition. The peak of the manipulation was the omission of Sunday’s defeat in the football match against Albania, and instead of Poland’s victory in the European Volleyball Championship” – we read in the report of the Association of Journalists.

Monday’s edition features 15 candidates in the election: 10 from PiS, 2 from 3D, 2 from KO. “But the only person who entered as a candidate was Aleksandra Wiśniewska, the KO Sejm candidate, whose statements were ridiculed. Jarosław Kaczyński and Donald Tusk appeared many times, of course in the opposite context,” we read.

Tuesday, September 12

The monitoring team notes, in this edition, out of 13 materials, 10 are election and propaganda materials, and 3 are frightening materials.

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An independent PiS government is a good announcement, even though this topic is only ranked 11th. The PiS election scene with Jarosław Kaczyński receiving a phone call from the German ambassador is still being discussed. The German side is very much on the issue thanks to Jan Korab’s material: “German crimes must be solved. The crime against the Ulma family is being discussed again.”

However, the main thrust of “Wiadomości” propaganda on Tuesday was to convince farmers that Ukrainian wheat would not flood Poland starting Friday, September 15. “The first two materials dealt with this, as well as the Prime Minister’s speech announced at the end of the materials,” the report said.

In Tuesday’s edition, 16 candidates appeared in the election: 11 from PiS (Kaczyński many times, Morawiecki, Ardanowski, Telus, Wąsik, Szynkowski, Tomala, Gajadhur, Sasin, Krajewski (yesterday too), Lichocka. 4 from PO: Klich, Szejnfeld, Nitras, Schetyna and once Piotr Zgorzelski from 3D. The only one who signed as a PiS candidate for the Sejm was Tomasz Tomala, the head of the office of Infrastructure Minister Donald Tusk was mentioned 12 times, but more often appeared, also without being named.

Wednesday, September 13

The observer noted that in this edition there was information about the dismissal of Fernando Santos from the position of coach of the Polish football team, but the reason was not stated.

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15 candidates for the Sejm and Senate spoke: 10 from PiS, 4 from PO, 1 from the Left.
“Jarosław Kaczyński was quoted in 3 materials, Donald Tusk was mentioned 15 times,” the monitoring team notes. However, the first announcement was devoted to defending Polish agriculture from imports from Ukraine. In the material on this topic, the first in “Wiadomości”, Agriculture Minister Robert Telus said: “Ukraine cannot join the European Union.”

Thursday, September 14

The slogan of this publication is: “The platform attacks strategic investment.” The bottom line: Europe is helpless against illegal immigration, Lampedusa is besieged by immigrants. There is no agreement on illegal migration.

“Wiadomości” journalists broadcast live from Slovenia, from the French-Italian border, and from under the fence of the Polish border with Belarus. The images show the attacks of migrants on dams, on people, frightening images. Not a word about the visa scandal or Minister Wawrzyk.

“Of these 13 published materials, only one, the last one, about Dewajtis super production, is neither propaganda nor election material, although it is TVP’s own advertising. The rest – 11 election materials and 10 propaganda materials – are government advertising: 9 PiS election candidates (Bochenek, Kamiński, Kaczyński (many times), Morawiecki, Telus, Sasin, Młynarek, Mularczyk (the only one who signed as a PiS Sejm candidate), Witek and 2 PO anti-advertising candidates (Hartwich, Tusk – many times, Tusk – 3 “).

Friday, September 15

There will be a lot of lies – the Minister of Justice assessed the speech of the Senate Speaker before he saw it. It was an incredible “Wiadomości”. It went on, with the speech and conversation with Zbigniew Ziobro, almost for 40 minutes after his speech, the Minister of Justice did not answer Tomasz Grodzki’s questions about the visa scandal, but accused him of accepting bribes,” the monitoring team noted.

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According to the team, the discrediting of the Senate Marshal had already happened before. In the material “Color of the Campaign”, Bartłomiej Graczak said: “Marshal Tomasz Grodzki, who is suing for talking about the envelope scandal, is trying to hide the truth.”

PiS politicians spoke 16 times. Kaczyński – 5 times (+spot), Morawiecki – 4, as well as: Witek, Bochenek, Wąsik, Telus, Błaszczak, Szczucki, Sękowski aka Sęk, Gliński, Selin and Czarnek.

Opposition politicians: from PO – Łęcki (repeated statements that Poland should accept several thousand migrants), MPs Olichner and Aniśko (vouching for a person involved in the illegal transfer of migrants across the border with Belarus), Grodzki – violation of journalistic freedom, Trzaskowski – footage showing him in a negative context. The same for Tomczyk – negative migration context. PSL: Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz, a few seconds of the statement from the election convention. “The caption ‘PiS Sejm candidate’ began to appear under the statements of politicians. Not all of them and it is not known why some do it and some do not,” the report says.
The results of the drawing of the electoral roll numbers at the National Election Commission “Wiadomości” were announced in the following order: PiS 4, KO 6, TD 2, Bezpartyjni Samorządowcy 1, Lewica 3, Konfederacja 5, that is, not in the order of the draw (1-6), nor in the order of the opinion polls, since in them the Security Service came last, and the Confederation came third, ahead of the Security Service and the Left,” we read in the report.

Saturday, September 16

The monitors quoted excerpts from Saturday’s “Wiadomości”: “If Tusk comes to power, we will deal with Lampedusa in Poland” (Kaczyński). “Hundreds of thousands of migrants are flooding into our homeland” (Grodzki). “A lie, a brazen lie” (Kaczyński). “Tusk’s return means chaos and danger for Poland. That’s the rule. He must not be given a second chance to repeat the same mistakes” (Witek).

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“The first 12 minutes were broadcast from the Italian island of Lampedusa, where Marta Kielczyk and two reporters arrived, including a former TVP correspondent in Rome,” he wrote.

And further: “Not an hour goes by today without another boat carrying illegal migrants picked up from the sea. More and more boats are reaching the island. New arrivals are being sent to camps to replace those who were successfully relocated to the continent,” says Karol Trzaska, a journalist for “Wiadomości”.

This edition of “Wiadomości” questions the visa scandal: “There is no scandal. It is not even a scandal. It is just a stupid and downright criminal idea of ​​some people, most of whom have nothing to do with the government apparatus.” (Jarosław Kaczyński). “The services did what they were supposed to do. People were detained and charged. The opposition has been looking for scandals, various scandals in the PiS government for a long time. It turns out there were no scandals” (Dorota Kania).

As on Friday, the names of politicians quoted contain the information “PiS candidate in the Sejm elections”. They include (11): Kaczyński, quoted in almost every material, Kamiński, Błaszczak, Witek, Suski, Góras (vice-president of the Polish National Foundation on the occasion of the screening of the TVP film “The Commandment of Love” in Rome), Kowalski, Telus, Morawiecki, Szczucki, Herpes zoster.

From KO, repetition of Łącki’s statement on Friday, Tusk (22 times in words, even more in pictures), Grodzki (6 times, more in pictures).

Read also: Election 2023. PiS promises sport for Poland, and KO – a solution for public media

(JF, 09/18/2023)

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