Ina Sofie Larsen – Get up and scream

– I called the emergency room and they had appointments available in the afternoon. When I told them how I felt they said no wonder I was in pain, because they already knew what on the phone it was, Ina Sofie Larsen told Dagbladet.

He played on the left every day for the handball team Levanger in the first division. But on Monday 19 September he woke up in excruciating pain. It was the day after the match against team Oslo Nordstrand in a draw.

in Levanger mention the problem first.

Chess DRAM: Chess player Hans Niemann is in trouble after being accused of cheating. Magnus Carlsen chose to withdraw from the tournament where Niemann was his opponent.
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– The morning after the Nordstrand game, I woke up screaming. I had been swollen and had pain under the armpit for a while, and the pain was getting worse, he told the newspaper.

The 20-year-old woman from Bod said she had had inflammation in her arm for a while, but she didn’t think much of it. Finally, he had to take action. Doctors told him that he had developed inflammation of the sweat glands in one armpit.

The pain was sometimes so intense for the young bodøværning that it interfered with his night’s sleep.

Got a stern warning

– I was in so much pain that I cried. I couldn’t sleep because I was so sick. But as long as I use Ibux, I work, he told Dagbladet, he said to Dagbladet and continued:

– I can’t lie on my side or have my arms close to my body. I had to wear it slightly to the side, because there was swelling under the armpits. The pain was so constant. A bit like a needle stuck in the skin. It was hard to sleep, he said.

The 20-year-old, who is studying to become a lecturer in sports and physical education, said she was never afraid of the pain she was in. Now he is also completely healthy and ready to give his best on the pitch again.

– It’s just a quick antibiotic for ten days and then it’s over. So now it’s running fine. But they say that if it doesn’t go away, they have to go in and cut (note ed. operated on), he concludes.

Britney Kirk

"Infuriatingly humble coffee guru. Travel practitioner. Freelance zombie fanatic. Certified problem solver. Food scholar. Student."

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