Influential EU politicians according to “Welt”? Among them… Sienkiewicz

This is one of the largest democratic elections in the world, where more than 400 million EU citizens will elect new members of the European Parliament this week,” wrote the daily portal Welt, which presents candidates from various countries “who can shape Europe’s future. .” He names Bartłomiej Sienkiewicz among them.

They could all play an important role on the European scene in the near future and these EP candidates should be known

– we read in the article.

Apart from Bartłomiej Sienkiewicz, the people named “Welt” are: Peter Magyar from Hungary, Dolors Montserrat from Spain, Raphael Glucksmann from France, Anders Vistisen from Denmark, Wania Grigorowa from Bulgaria and Nicola Procaccini from Italy.

No pressure?!

Welt” reminded that Sienkiewicz resigned from the post of Minister of Culture in April.

However, Prime Minister Donald Tusk did not pressure him to do so

– claim the portal.

Now Sienkiewicz is running for a seat in the European Parliament “as one of the best-known faces of his party, Civic Platform.” The portal noted that “after the radical reform of state television, this step is a kind of gift for Sienkiewicz.”

It is common practice in Poland that “the main parties nominate former ministers and even prime ministers for European elections.” They must be prominent people with long experience. “Both apply to Sienkiewicz

– wrote “Good”.

If, according to the German media, this figure is considered one of the leading figures in Polish politics, shaping European reality, then this is not encouraging news for Poland.


– ONLY HERE. Mularczyk: After what he did in Poland, Sienkiewicz knew that he would face inevitable punishment. Sooner or later he will catch up with him

— 154 MEPs are currently running for seats in the European Parliament: 146 MEPs and 8 senators. CHECK DETAILS


Atwater Adkins

"Reader. Future teen idol. Falls down a lot. Amateur communicator. Incurable student."

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