It’s time for social disobedience! An attraction for the world of culture

The systematic and planned partition of Poland reached an unimaginable scale. It was an unprecedented test of endurance. The December 13 coalition, under the assumption that “we can do everything now”, focused only on completing the previous ruling team, destroying everything that had been achieved so far, and not building anything. He intimidated not only representatives of the previous government, but also his allies in the ruling coalition. They did it so effectively that many opponents of PiS expressed their disapproval of what was happening in private conversations. However, if before they shouted eight-star slogans loudly, knowing that they were not in danger, now they are afraid to oppose him because of Tusk’s cruel service.

I spoke with many representatives of the cultural world who expressed their willingness to express their disagreement, but they started the conversation with the words “let’s meet, not by phone.”

And in face-to-face conversations, they started to be honest, even though their fear was so great that one of them (most of whom trusted me) asked me to turn off the phone. That’s what I did, although I assure you that I have never recorded any conversation without the other person’s knowledge and I never will.

Well, my interlocutors hope that I can help them by giving them advice on how to get out of the mess they are in and what to do to avoid environmental ostracism. Unfortunately, I cannot advise them anything except to withdraw from aggressive actions and statements. Unfortunately, this reminds me of mafia activities that you can’t just walk away from, because one day you might wake up with a horse’s head under the covers.

Paradoxically, among the supporters of the ruling party, many good-hearted Poles are starting to worry about the future of their children and grandchildren. They disagree with the collapse of Poland, with the distortion of history, with the marginalization of patriotic attitudes.

One prominent actor said that the only hope lies with the President, the only person who, in a Poland shackled by a coalition octopus, still has something to say. Yes, but President Andrzej Duda is very lonely. Abandoned not only by potential allies, but even by many people in his closest circle. Appreciated by politicians around the world, he is constantly discredited in Poland.

Symbolic opposition to the humiliating actions of the Second World War Museum by displaying images of Father Maksymilian Kolbe, Witold Pilecki or the Ulma Family on the facade of the Presidential Palace is numerous, but clearly not enough to oppose Poland’s denationalization policy. and rewrite history. If we allow this, it turns out that Poland was responsible for the outbreak of World War II, just like the attempts to blame Poland for the Holocaust.

Time and time again, before the next election, I call for a wake-up call before it’s too late. But resistance to PiS is stronger. Today the milk has been spilled. Like a flock of sheep, we cannot effectively oppose migration policies, electricity and gas increases, the destruction of National Treasury companies, the degradation of the world view, and ultimately the massacre of national traditions and culture.

But it’s not too late. It’s time for social disobedience, to loudly express your disapproval of the Hun dictatorship, which considers “Poland abnormal.” This is my appeal to everyone, especially to representatives of the world of culture who challenge me to express what they really feel, but still do not have the courage to express it openly. I promise not to name names, but I guarantee that if you found out who changed the front like that, it would be a shock not only to the current authorities but also to the entire society.

Winston Churchill once warned:

“Dictators are chasing tigers they dare not descend upon. And the tigers are starving.”

So let the coalition dictators remember that the tiger they ride with impunity will one day starve.

Tadeusz Deszkiewicz

Atwater Adkins

"Reader. Future teen idol. Falls down a lot. Amateur communicator. Incurable student."

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