Jaroslav Beck and Robert Kyncl send 10 million to the Outfindo.cz project

The bikes have been selling well in recent months, and Jaroslav Beck and Robert Kyncle saw an opportunity in them. The investor duo sent more than 10 million crowns to the domestic Outfindo project, which helped with bicycle purchases. Behind him is the former head of Dáme jídlo Jan Matějů, who wants to perfect the entire service and start expanding thanks to the capital obtained.

Outfindo has only been in operation for a few months. Now offering customers a choice of nine thousand bikes from more than 70 dealers, its ambitions go beyond a simple shopping gallery. Passionate cyclist Jan Matějů wants to advise customers on which bike is right for them, even those who don’t know their way around derailleurs and suspension forks, in a matter of minutes.

Move on to your plans now find out raised its first external capital. As part of the initial financing, JARO Capital, backed by Jaroslav Beck and Robert Kyncl, sent over 10 million kroons. Although Beck is a co-founder of the Beat Games studio behind the world’s most successful VR game Beat Saber, Kyncl has been YouTube’s business director since 2010 after stints at Netflix and HBO.

With the same experience and capital, and under the banner of JARO Capital, they want to support innovative domestic projects with global ambitions, and they chose Outfindo as their second investment. Late last year, they supported Pavel Kacerle’s Live Penalty project and are now moving from entertainment to e-commerce.

“We decided to invest in Outfindo because we believe in the vision of the team behind this project. This is the kind of project we want to support. Behind it is an experienced local team with global ambitions to change a large part of the e-commerce world,” says Robert Kyncl, one of the highest-rated people on all of YouTube, about investing.

Photo: Outfindo

Jan Matějů, founder of the Outfindo project

The new project is led by Jan Matějů, who is a former racer and therefore close to bicycles. At the same time, he explored various industries from telecommunications to food delivery, when he worked at domestic and German Telefónica, Staropramen, as CEO of Dáme jídlo and finally at Liftag. With Outfindo’s services, he decided to come to the rescue at a time when demand for bicycles far exceeded supply and reports of shops selling out. He also wanted to help with that.

Therefore, at Outfind, customers will only find bicycles and e-bikes in stock, so that if they choose, there is no need to worry about waiting several months, as is usually the case during the pandemic. People confined to their homes without the possibility of traveling have largely turned to active rest by cycling. And for those who are still thinking about buying a bike, Jan Matějů wants to reach out and help them choose the right bike.

“I believe that even more complex products can be purchased easily. Of course, there is no need to spend hours searching and comparing. By the way, usually you go and ask someone in your neighborhood who knows, so you can be sure.” depicts the thirty-nine year old founder. “I believe the entire shopping process can be made more enjoyable. That’s why at Outfind, we combine the expertise of professionals in their fields, the technology that can replicate it, and easy choices in one place.” added Matějů.

In addition to the standard filters, customers can also use an intelligent guide that helps them choose the ideal bike based on the places they want to ride, but also their favorite car brands. The intelligent algorithm works with the personality and archetypes of brands, so Outfindo helps choose the ideal bike even with the help of seemingly unrelated questions.

“Outfindo is a product that, thanks to easy-to-understand questions, in a few clicks, like an experienced expert in a store, offers you a wide choice of what you are looking for and what takes more time to find out. We believe that this is a way that significantly facilitates the selection and purchase of more complex products in the online environment,” Jaroslav Beck is confident.

After all, Jan Matějů doesn’t want to stop at bikes. Being closest to them, Outfindo starts with them. He won’t say where he’s going next, or how much his service will grow this year. But he’s said to have already signed up the first customers, and the first investment from JARO Capital is expected to help speed up the whole project.

“We are very pleased to have reached an agreement with Robert and Jarda. We are at the beginning of our journey, and while we have an experienced team, JARO Capital’s insight and experience will make it easier for us to manage our growth and take the next steps.” added Jan Matějů.

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Camilla Salazar

"Unapologetic social media guru. General reader. Incurable pop culture specialist."

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