OUR NEWS. There is a Human Rights Commission investigation into the letter from Fr. Olszewski!

The wPolityce.pl portal found out that the Ombudsman initiated proceedings regarding the letter from Father Michał Olszewski. This is a drastic example of the unlawful behavior of officers reported by the priest, which could have happened in the first hours after his arrest. First, there will be a conversation with the temporarily arrested priest. This is the decision of Prof. Marcin Wiącek, Commissioner for Human Rights.

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I am initiating ex officio proceedings on this matter. We would like to talk to Father Michał about this situation. My colleagues will attend such a meeting in the near future. That is all I can say at this time. We need this conversation and it will happen.

– said Prof. Marcin Wiącek, Commissioner for Human Rights, in an interview with the portal wPolityce.pl.

Father Michał Olszewski’s account, first reported by the weekly “Sieci”, suggests that the priest may have been the victim of illegal actions by Internal Security Service officers and police in the first tens of hours after his detention. Father Olszewski’s representatives have applied for assistance to the Commissioner for Human Rights. At that time, it was about the actions of the National Prosecutor’s Office prosecutor who should not have answered the lawyer’s questions and requests.

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Atwater Adkins

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