Like every year, 800 iconic motorbikes from all over Europe came together this year. The pleasant journey offers a unique spectacle, starting from Holešovice Výstaviště along the highway towards Wenceslas Square. Here the line stopped and looked up into the sky at the brave paratroopers.
Photo: News
Paratroopers jump from planes over Wenceslas Field.
Then the journey continues along the Sokolská and Žitná roads to Karlovo náměstí and then along the Masaryk embankment and across the Čechův bridge back to the Holešovice Exhibition Center.
Sixty roaring motorbikes set off for a special race in the Central Bohemia region
“Harley Days consists of the fact that motorcycle fans come here and here we enjoy what is on our flag, which means love of freedom,” Jaroslav Vavřina, organizer of Prague Harley Days, explained to Novinkám.
Photo: News
Motorcyclists pass through the center of the capital.
“Sleepy riding is a big experience every year, where a number of motorcyclists go to Prague Harley Days. Every year, even newcomers join and enjoy the unique atmosphere with us,” said Vavřina, adding:
“Just like in sleepy ride, we welcome riders of other brands, it is no different throughout Prague Harley Days. They are intended not only for motorists and bikers, but also for the general public. Are you a lover of motorbikes, good spectacles, good food or an adrenaline rush, are you an active rider or just looking for an interesting event to spend the first weekend in September, have you never ridden a motorcycle, or are you just a random passerby , teens or mums, Prague Harley Days is for you all.”
The main decorative element of the entrance hall of the house is a Harley Davidson motorcycle
Tips and trends
Prague Harley Days is already a traditional summer freedom celebration on one track held in Prague. Every year it offers fun for the whole family, powerful engines, motorcycle rides, popular sleeper rides, motorcycle shows, adrenaline rush, concerts and great food and drink. The aim is to bring the Harley Davidson lifestyle closer to the general public and show that Prague Harley Days are truly for everyone, whether by motorbike of any brand, car, tram or on foot.
The event takes place at the Exhibition Center until Sunday at 18.00, and is continued with Burgerfest.
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