Scandal at the World War II Museum. Czuchnowski’s shocking entry

Father Kolbe and the Ulma family should have a place in the Second World War Museum,” wrote Wojciech Czuchnowski, a journalist from “Gazeta Wyborcza”, on the X platform. According to him, the exclusion of these figures from the main exhibition is evidence of “a lack of social and historical sensitivity”.

Mirosław Maciorowski claims in “Wyborcza” that the main exhibition of the Second World War Museum was “destroyed in the spirit of God’s patriotism” by Law and Justice (of course, in discussions of Polish history this derogatory term “God’s homeland” should not be missing) and he does not can understand that not only Deputy Prime Minister Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz, but also Prime Minister Donald Tusk “is taking PiS’s position.” The first is because he dared to criticize the removal of RTM from the exhibition. Witold Pilecki, blessed Ulma family and Saint Father Maksymilian Kolbe even promised that the current government would cancel these changes, and the last one – for not defending the current museum authorities. The same journalist spoke with Prof. Paweł Machcewicz who tried to convince others about the correctness of this decision. claimed that Saint Maksymilian Kolbe was an “anti-Semite” before the war, while the Ulma family used the PiS government to “distort history” because Poles who helped Jews during the German occupation were allegedly a minority.

“Gazeta Wyborcza” tried to defend the authority position of the new museum in various publications.

Lack of sense of social and historical sensitivity”

Therefore, in this environment, sounds like those below may come as a surprise.

Father Kolbe and the Ulma family should have a place in the World War II Museum. It is possible to change the captions under the exhibits, but removing these images from the exhibition is a mistake and a lack of social and historical sensitivity.

— contrary to appearances, this entry continues

Many dissatisfied “Silnych Razem” have emerged under the entry of Czuchnowski, and they almost “signed” the journalist “Wyborcza” to PiS. As you can see, some Poles are completely “detached” from reality, because every sound causes a similar reaction.


Atwater Adkins

"Reader. Future teen idol. Falls down a lot. Amateur communicator. Incurable student."

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