Self-censorship at TVP. “Tusk is angry because the water is boiling”

Information about Donald Tusk’s “misleading” words has disappeared from the neo-TVP Info website. Law and Justice MPs Piotr Müller and Radosław Fogiel, among others, commented on the issue.

Info neo-TVP portal published an analysis of Donald Tusk’s entry on Anna Fotyga’s actions. The Prime Minister argued that the former Foreign Minister had signed a document on Poland’s waiver of reparations to Germany.

PiS Minister Fotyga signed a document on the abolition of Polish reparations, and our government is arranging compensation with Germany. Morawiecki included the diesel tax in the KPO, and we are arranging with the Commission to abolish it. Green Deal, migrants, Ukrainian wheat – always the same

– Tusk wrote on the X site.

According to neo-TVP findings, the Prime Minister’s remarks were “misleading”. This information could be read in the portal’s profile on the X platform. However, after some time, the text could no longer be read. It was removed from the site.

Storm on the Internet

Uuu… Donald Tusk was so angry that clean water boiled. TVP Info journalists naively believed that they could write the truth about Tusk, so they showed that he was manipulating. His posts and articles evaporated. “Clear water” as in the attached picture is not found

They can’t keep adding clean water. Someone missed it yesterday and TVP Info published an article saying that Tusk was not telling the truth about reparations. It was quickly changed to a lighter one and the link to it is still visible on the unlucky author’s profile. But the text itself has been deleted…

Respect to TVP Info for taking part in the media protest and showing what reality looks like without access to information.

Tusk was furious and the article about his lies disappeared from the TVP Info website. This is something new, because so far censors have deleted texts up to and including 2023, but now the authorities are starting to take action.

There used to be such an entry on the @tvp_info fan page and now it is gone.

You’re missing something on this @tvp_info. It’s not serious in my opinion

First version of the main text @tvp_info. It has been fixed. “Manipulation” is gone

Atwater Adkins

"Reader. Future teen idol. Falls down a lot. Amateur communicator. Incurable student."

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