Taliban disperse women’s demonstration by hitting and shooting in the air

About four dozen women chanted the slogan “Bread, work and freedom” demanding the right to work and education, the AFP reporter wrote. Protesters carried banners with the words: “August 15 is a black day”. Thus they refer to the day the Taliban took power.

“Justice, justice. We are fed up with ignorance,” the women shouted outside the Ministry of Education building before being brutally dispersed. Many women took refuge in nearby shops, where they sought refuge from angry fighters who beat them with sticks or stockpiles. Several journalists who reported on the women’s protests were also beaten.

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After seizing power, the Taliban promised a softer version of the hard-line Islamic rule that characterized its first government from 1996 to 2001. Despite those promises, however, many restrictions have been put in place. Tens of thousands of girls are expelled from secondary school and women are prevented from returning to many jobs and functions.

Women are prohibited from traveling alone, visiting parks and public parks alone. They can only do this on days that are special to them.

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In May, the country’s supreme leader and head of the Taliban, Haibatullah Akhundzada, even ordered women to cover themselves completely in public, including the face, ideally wearing a burqa.

Camilla Salazar

"Unapologetic social media guru. General reader. Incurable pop culture specialist."

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