On Friday, shortly after 8:30 p.m., all that remained was to watch how all the preparations would come to fruition. Upon arrival, the incoming hostesses greeted the ladies, who presented the ladies with beautiful red roses and the gentlemen with a bottle of fine Moravian wine, as well as a welcome drink of champagne for both of them.
The experienced Věra Kosecová Lampertová once again took on the role of moderator, who immediately invited students of the dance school Jan Onder from Sokolov to the dance floor, who took care of the opening pre-dances at two entrances, dedicated to classical and Latin American dance.
Followed by the official opening of the dance party which was assisted by Mayor Ing. Petr Janura, who then went to the first dance of the evening with his wife Hanka, whose musical guide was the band Triget. However, the elderly couple did not stay alone in the dance for long, because within a few tens of seconds most of the guests present joined them.
At that time, an accompanying program was also being screened in the hall and adjacent cinema hall. There is a popular photo corner in the lobby, psaligraphic artist Raka Miličevič also offers his services here, and queues quickly form even at the magnificent banquets, which are a feast for the eyes and a wide range of tastes. In the cinema, visitors can find themselves in another world through two virtual reality stations and test how easy it is to trick the human brain. Guests experience many interesting and funny situations here.
The first dance block was followed by a ceremony announcing the figures and events of the year of the city of Habartova 2018. Awards were received from the hands of Mayor Petr Janura and Deputy Mayor Milan Krčín, Adéla Marková, Jan Rod and director ZŠ Mgr. Vaclav Riedl.
At ten o'clock, one of the world stars of Czech singing, Bára Basiková, entered the stage, who sang with full commitment for almost an hour, during which the singer's hits from musicals and her solo career were heard. Bára Basiková fully proved what a masterful voice she commands, and she received a long-lasting applause, and she rewarded the dancers with an encore.
An extraordinary musical experience is followed by an experience that touches the audience's diaphragm. After several years, trapnome expert and entertainer Richard Nedvěd returned to Habartov. His thirty-five minute performance left no one cold, and many viewers were “swept away” with tense stomach muscles. One joke was quickly followed by another, and the entertainers' interactions with the audience and selected volunteers were excellent. Thanks to his exit, the lives of many Habartov residents were certainly extended.
I would venture to write that nearly one hundred and twenty guests had a great time all evening. All the invited artists lived up to expectations and of course everyone found something for themselves in the varied menu. After midnight, some tired couples started to leave the party, but many others were still happy to stay. After Richard Nedvěd's performance, only the Triget band took care of the events in the hall, accompanying the most persistent with their musical works until two in the morning, when the 15th Habartova city representative party was officially successful. conclude.
Photo: Aleš Plevka
“Unapologetic social media guru. General reader. Incurable pop culture specialist.”