The 35th anniversary of the rebirth of the Senate. The premiere was represented by… Bodnar

President Andrzej Duda took part in a ceremonial meeting of the upper house of parliament on the occasion of the 35th anniversary of the first meeting of the restored Senate. However, as Law and Justice politicians Stanisław Karczewski and Wojciech Skurkiewicz learned, on this important day… the Prime Minister was not present in the room.

On July 4, 1989, the first meeting of the Senate, reborn after World War II, took place. On the occasion of the 35th anniversary of this event, at 11:00 a.m. the meeting of Marshal of the Senate Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska, the Senate Presidium and the Chairwoman of the Senate Chancellery, Ewa Polkowska, with first-term senators, former Senate Presidiums and former heads of the Senate Chancellery began.

The President laid a wreath at the memorial plaque of the senators of the Second Polish Republic who were killed, assassinated, missing and died during World War II and the period of post-war repression, and then took part in a ceremonial meeting of the Senate.

“Dismantling Communism”

In his speech delivered on the 35th anniversary of the first meeting of the restored Senate, the president stressed that the June 1989 elections began “what today can be called the dismantling of communism.”

With the activities, the resistance and the decisions taken at that time, Poland achieved a breakthrough. They broke the system that was supposed to last forever; they really brought about a change in the world, they caused the fall of the Berlin Wall and the fall of the Iron Curtain.” “This was a great achievement of my parents’ generation, and also of my grandparents’ generation.

– said President Andrzej Duda.

Marshal Kidawa-Błońska stated in her speech that exactly 35 years ago, after decades of totalitarian rule, the first fully democratic parliamentary assembly, the Senate of the Republic of Poland, inaugurated its work.

Just a year later, Poland regained self-government, that is, democracy at the local level, and the end of this process was fully democratic presidential and Sejm elections.

– he says.

We are emerging from total conflict.”

He emphasized that he wanted to use his words to remind us of the responsibilities of first-term senators.

We are emerging from a total conflict that has divided and destroyed the national community. We are emerging from a destroyed economy, a destroyed country.

– said Kidawa-Błońska.

The first-term Senate was responsible for overseeing the transition process of all Polish state institutions from tyranny to democracy. I am proud to say that the Senate has performed this role brilliantly. By putting forward its own legislative initiatives, improving the laws proposed by the Sejm, working on regulations, laws on the basis of which local authorities, the president and finally the Sejm were elected in fully democratic elections. In this way, the Senate led and supported the entire process of our country’s transition from dictatorship to democracy.

– assess the marshal.

“A smile will erase sadness and tears”

Hołownia, speaking to the senators, referred to the words of the first Senate Speaker, Andrzej Stelmachowski, who in his inaugural speech said that he wanted to contribute to “building a completely independent Poland (…), where a friendly smile will wipe away sadness and tears.”

I think this is something that today, despite all the political things we do in the Sejm and Senate chambers, we also need very much. Let us remember that one of the pillars of freedom, this regained freedom, is to build a Poland where a friendly smile will wipe away sadness and tears.

– said Holownia.

Awards for first-term senators

The senators will adopt a resolution on the 35th anniversary of the first meeting of the newly reborn Senate, in which they pay tribute to all senators of the first term. The project reminds us that the Senate of the Republic of Poland, elected on June 4, 1989, still as the Senate of the Polish People’s Republic, was the first state body to emerge from completely free elections.

Reborn after 50 years of absence caused by World War II and the decisions of the post-war authorities, it played a significant role in building the Polish cause and the image of the reborn Republic of Poland. The first meeting that took place on July 4, 1989 in the Column Hall of the Sejm Building was certainly the beginning of a change in the history of our country.

– it’s already written.

On the 35th anniversary of its first session, the Senate of the Republic of Poland pays tribute to all the senators of the first term, thanks to which the upper house of parliament has become one of the most important institutions of the country. The Senate of the first term symbolizes the freedoms won without bloodshed, which gave a real start to the changes that have taken place since 1989.

– we read in the draft resolution.

It was introduced by a group of senators, including: Stanisław Karczewski (PiS), Waldemar Pawlak (PSL) and Halina Bieda (KO).

The importance of the Senate’s first term

In the draft resolution, senators emphasized the importance of the first term.

The reform of local government was born in the Senate, which is a real tool for building democracy and forming civil society. The effort resulted in the first free local elections held in May 1990.

– showed.

“A painful slap in the face of the Senate”

Prime Minister Donald Tusk, who was replaced by Justice Ministry chief Attorney General Adam Bodnar, did not attend the ceremony marking the 35th anniversary of the Senate’s restoration.

  1. anniversary of the first meeting of the Senate. The Coalition’s disgrace on December 13. The Prime Minister was represented by… Senator Bodnar. This was a painful slap in the face for the Senate.

— wrote Stanisław Karczewski, senator for Law and Justice.

Ceremonial meeting of the Senate on the occasion of the 35th anniversary of the Senate’s rebirth with the participation of President Andrzej Duda and all the most important people in the country… except Prime Minister Tusk, who was represented by Senator Bodnar

– wrote Wojciech Skurkiewicz, senator for Law and Justice.

The elections to the Senate of the People’s Republic of Poland, held on 4 June 1989, were the first completely free elections since 1945. Solidarity won 99 out of 100 senatorial seats. The first meeting of the reborn Senate took place on 4 July 1989 in the Column Hall of the Sejm building.


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Atwater Adkins

"Reader. Future teen idol. Falls down a lot. Amateur communicator. Incurable student."

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