You can also go to Mladečská jeskyná near Litovla in Olomouc and to the Koněpruské cave in the Český karst in Berounsk to see the hell man and Mikuláš, who are said to usually turn a blind eye to minor offenses and would not send anyone to hell just like that. .
“First of all, hundreds of people headed to Křtin in Blanensko for the traditional Demon Release. The interest was so great that the entrance to the underground needed to be booked in advance,” Pavel Gejdoš, a spokesman for the Cave Administration of the Czech Republic, told Novinkám.
St.Nicholas events for children began to be organized by speleologists in Křtiny in the Výpustek cave, where a 200-meter-long anti-nuclear shelter of the former Czechoslovak army command was built, 14 years ago. They just want to entertain the neighborhood kids. However, the Křový theater association (KŘtinský Ochotnický Výkvět) then prepared a Santa Claus tale for the visitors, so the number of visitors increased.
In the new version, prepared for the first weekend of December, Santa is said to be having difficulty finding gifts because his helper – the angel Darius – is missing.
Photo: SJ ČR/Jaroslav Šanda
“A search will be carried out as to who the robber’s son was found. “Children will only find out who turns out to be at the end of the Výpustek cave, who apparently doesn’t end up in hell,” said the show’s director Jaroslav Šanda with a smile. There will also be refreshments at the event.
Tickets for Nicholas and Lucifer
Mikuláš and the devil will head to the Koněpruské cave in central Bohemia for five days. They will stay there from December 1 to 5. The cave management strictly warns on its website that children should not be carried in bags during the event, even for fun.
After the parcel is handed over, they wait to fill out the slip. They will describe their good qualities towards Nicholas and their sins towards Lucifer. These documents remained in the cave, so they are said to have studied them both very carefully.
The ticketing system was also introduced by the Saint Nicholas-Hell team in Mladečské jeskyné in Olomouc, who took part in the event for the first time this year. Teen Hell opens on Tuesday, February 5.
“We ask parents to bring a list of their children’s sins to the devil and give their reward to the angels,” said cave manager Ondřej Vlček. He pointed out that there is no parking at the underground entrance, cars can be parked in a special parking lot 600 meters away in the northern part of the village of Mladeč.
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