The father built a simple but nice swimming pool for the children

A man from Zhejiang province in southeastern China creates entertainment and refreshment for his children on a hot day in the form of a swimming pool hidden under an umbrella.

His original plan was to take the kids to some of the local pools, but in the end he was deterred from this plan due to the long queues and the unhygienic conditions of the public pools. That’s why he decided to build his own pool, on the back porch of the house.

Considering having a concrete terrace there, the most viable solution would be the simple choice of an above ground pool.

He chose the stems (or rather stems) of bamboo as the basic building material. He cut it in such a way that he could make a skeleton with a plan of 3 x 2 meters and a height of 0.8 m. He crossed the logs at the corners, making a gap between them.

The whole family participated in the construction of the pool. Where it used to be was a pigsty

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Therefore, he first cut the other part of the bamboo into several pieces with a length that matched the height of the skeleton, then cut it lengthwise. With this, he creates a “board” with which he covers the entire skeleton from the inside.

He covered the resulting enclosure from the inside and the top with textiles and laid a mat on the bottom to create a softer bottom and at the same time an insulating layer. Finally, he covered the pool with thick plastic and filled it with water.


Do you also dare to build a swimming pool?

Perhaps, after carefully studying the procedure or with the help of someone else…

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Camilla Salazar

"Unapologetic social media guru. General reader. Incurable pop culture specialist."

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