The festival will start on Sunday with a celebrity tennis tournament. From Monday to Friday, the show will then move to the Elektra City House of Culture. On Monday, there will be an entertaining talk show hosted by Josef A. Náhlovský and Karel Šíp Všechnopartiček. During this show, the actors together with the director of the Korunka Luhačovice civic association Veronika Záhorská will christen the book My “chaotic” world 2.
“This is a collection of poems by children from an orphanage in Vizovice, which contains many stories about the fate, thoughts, feelings and desires of the children,” explains Veronika Záhorská.
Some may shake their heads at the title of the book, but in any case, according to the director of the Vizovice Children’s Home and Primary School, Eva Čapková, one should think about what the children want to say. “The answer is in the book. And maybe more than that – there is no one who does not make mistakes, but a wise person is one who can learn from mistakes. Therefore, I would very much like our children to be able to learn from the mistakes of their parents and so that their future world is not “chaotic”, the director of the home and school hopes.
The festival is organized by Sportovní which is held in Prague. All performances always start at 19.30.
On Tuesday, Milan Pitkin will visit Luhačovice with Slovak singer Kristina. On Wednesday, comedian and musician Ivan Fousek will entertain, Thursday will belong to popular Comedians – Lukáš Pavlásk and Miloš Knor. Friday will end with the Fešáci group, which commemorates the late Michal Tučný.
The event was held under the auspices of the deputy governor of the Zlín region, MUDr. Lubomir Nečas.
Photo: Michaela Mitáčková
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