Reporter Bára will be played by Natálie Halouzková and producer Ondřej Vladimír Polívka.
Bára is a country girl who aspires to work in the news, which she manages to do.
“For the first time, I played the character closest to my nature. Bára is a very nice girl, she comes from the village and she makes reports for local television. Coincidentally, she interned at Good News, and that’s how it all started. goal-oriented, he really enjoys it, and I think he’s going a long way,” said actress Natálie Halouzková.
“We always hire a professional adviser for the series we shoot. Now, for the first time, we don’t need him in the Good News. We know the news, we’ve all seen television and know behind the scenes. We know how it works, and we want to show it.” to the audience too,” said Prima TV content director Lenka Hornova on set.
Photo: Petr Hloušek, Law
Vladimir Polivka
Sára Rychlíková (Mona Fiedlerová) and Jan Fanta (Šimon Polansk) star as presenters on Dobry správná.
“Mona is a devil and probably not everyone will like. She is a careerist and does her own thing. She thinks a little that the world revolves around her, but in essence she will not be evil,” says Rychlíková.
The sportsman Gita is played by Denisa Nesvačilová. “He’s a sportsman, as he should be. Gita is a cheerful bunch, a good girl and a beautiful “girl”. He has a son who is a little into sports, so everyone around him has an idea of how, where, when. and what and how,” added the actress.
The premiere date has not been announced.
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