Each of the five buildings will differ from each other not only in shape, but also in purpose and height. The smallest was supposed to be 146 m high, the highest 287 m. Although this shopping center is not among the tallest buildings in the world with its buildings, it will definitely be one of the famous ones.
Photo: UNStudio
The winning project was the construction of the new World Trade Center in Wenzhou, China.
The shopping center office itself will be located in the northern part of the built-up area. Residences and apartments for the wealthiest residents are expected to be built on the highest floors of the building. They will be treated to views in all directions throughout Wenzhou. More mainstream tenants will be accommodated in the southern part of the building complex, where the hotel is also supposed to be located.
Photo: UNStudio
It is called the eye, or the place where the building frame intersects, which will be used as a garden or meeting place.
According to the specifications, the building will increase the site area by 500,000 square meters in its above-ground space. Of this area, 150,000 meters is designated for business areas, 160,000 meters for offices, hotel facilities covering an area of 50,000 square meters, and the luxury residence will occupy a total area of 140,000 m2.
Photo: UNStudio
These buildings are surrounded by green areas.
Five buildings will stand amidst greenery and water. Each must fit into its immediate environment, but the characteristics of the “frame” must at first glance suggest a sense of belonging.
Photo: UNStudio
So far the new World Trade Center is just a model.
Where the “frames” of the building intersect, the so-called eye is created. This is a space that will be used as a high-rise garden or as a meeting place for office employees. After all, they will have amazing views of the river and downtown. It is believed that this eye, like the frame of the building, will eventually become a symbol of Wenzhou.
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