The original seven wonders of the world come to life with the help of 3D reconstruction. This is what they look like today

The Seven Wonders of the World is a list of famous ancient buildings located in the Mediterranean and Middle East regions. The only one that is still preserved today is Khufu’s pyramid at Giza, which is also the oldest. Other buildings were mostly destroyed by natural disasters, such as earthquakes or fires. However, until now it is not known for certain who compiled this list, this list also appears in several variations, because quite a lot of extraordinary buildings were created in ancient times.

However, apart from the pyramids, the seven wonders of the world also include the Colossus of Rhodes, the Hanging Gardens of Semiramis, the statue of Zeus at Olympia, the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, the Lighthouse on Faro Island near Alexandria and the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus.

A tribute to the Greek gods

The Colossus of Rhodes was once the tallest ancient statue, depicting the Greek god Helios, who, according to legend, was supposed to create the island of Rhodes as the most beautiful island in the Aegean Sea. According to some versions, the statue stood right in the harbor with outstretched legs, along which ships passed. According to another version, the giant stood on a hill in the city.

The Hanging Gardens of Semiramis in Babylon also have similar allegations and not much is known about them. Said to have been built by Queen Semiramis, historians are unsure whether the building ever existed. However, the garden is claimed to be watered by a spring that flows down the walls and splashes all over the plants.

The statue of Zeus at Olympia was built by the Greeks as a tribute to the divine ruler. It was to rival the statues in Athens. Hundreds of years later, he was moved to Constantinople, which was said to have been destroyed by fire.

The Greeks also laid claim to one of the seven wonders of the classical world, the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus — as the name suggests, the temple was dedicated to the goddess of the hunt and the wild. Only a few have survived to this day, since the temple was burned by a certain Herostratus of Ephesus, who only wanted to go down in history with this act. And he really succeeded.

The lighthouse used to be the tallest building

The lighthouse on the island of Faro near the city of Alexandria in Egypt was at one time the tallest building in the world. Not much is known about its shape, as no specific description survives, except for its depiction on ancient coins. The lighthouse that was supposed to show the greatness of Alexandria, a former center of science, was most likely destroyed by a series of earthquakes.

The monumental Tomb of Mausolus or Mausoleum at Halicarnassus was built by the Persian satrap (regional administrator) Mausolo and his wife Artemisia. However, none of them looked finished. The builders continued their work even after their deaths, because they suspected that it would be a truly extraordinary building. And it turns out they were right, because it is included in the list of the seven wonders of the world.

Currently there is also a list of the seven wonders of the modern world that were symbolically erected on July 7 2007. Among them are the Mayan pyramid in Chichén Itzá, the statue of Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro, the Great Wall of China. , Machu Picchu, the stone city of Petra in Jordan, the Roman Colosseum or the Taj Mahalo.

Camilla Salazar

"Unapologetic social media guru. General reader. Incurable pop culture specialist."

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