– Based on Article. 17 par. 1 point 2 of the Criminal Procedure Code, the prosecutor’s office stated that there was no indication of a prohibited act – he explained in an interview with Onet after. press spokesman, prosecutor Mariusz Boroń.
Art shown. From the Criminal Procedure Code means that the investigation is stopped, because Krakow’s prosecutor judged that the cardinal accused “the act did not contain the characteristics of a prohibited act or the law stipulates that the perpetrator did not commit a crime”. According to information from the portal, this decision becomes final on July 14.
You can read more about the latest information at main page Gazeta.pl.
The process started in April this year. The prosecutor’s office became interested in Dziwisz at the request of the State Pedophilia Commission, which received official notices from Left MP Joanna Scheuring-Wielgus and Warsaw councilor Agata Diduszko-Zyglewska. This case concerns Rev. Stefan D., one of the anti-heroes of the “Don Stanislao” report, who allegedly abused the boy.
At that time, Cardinal Stanisław Dziwisz. Some time after this incident, the priest, by decision of Cardinal Dziwisz disappeared from the parish and was sent on leave. Half a year later he became parish priest in a small parish in Grójec, about 40 km from Krakow.
Therefore, the prosecutor’s office examined whether Dziwisz did not withhold knowledge of the possible crimes of his subordinates many years ago, and whether hiding this information later constituted a punishable offence.
Card. Dziwisz and the problem of covering up pedophilia in the Church
Let us recall that in November 2020 the TVN24 document “Don Stanislao” was published, in which Cardinal Stanisław Dziwisz was accused of covering up cases of sexual harassment. Dziwisz should be involved in hiding the two Polandand the world pedophilia scandal. That includes abuse of the Legion of Christ or the case of Cardinal Theodore McCarrick.
After the material was published, Dziwisz admitted to having reported the matter to the Vatican, and there it was found that the allegations were unfounded, so in 2006 the priest returned to work with children. However, it is not known whether the Krakow metropolitan at that time reported the case to law enforcement.
Last summer, Poland was visited by a Vatican commission chaired by Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco. Nearly a year later, the Apostolic Nunciature in Poland announced the conclusion of the Vatican investigation.
In a brief announcement from the nuncio, it was written that the purpose of Cardinal Bagnasco’s visit was “verification of several cases relating to the activities of Cardinal Stanisław Dziwisz during his appearance as Archbishop of the Archbishop of Krakow (2005-2016)”. It stated that “an analysis of the collected documentation made it possible to judge Cardinal Stanisław Dziwisz’s actions as correct, and therefore the Holy See decided not to proceed any further”.
The communication did not say which “case” was involved.
“I express my gratitude to all those who contributed to the responsible response to the accusations made against me during my tenure as Archbishop of Krakow in 2005-2016” – wrote Cardinal Stanisław Dziwisz.
“Reader. Future teen idol. Falls down a lot. Amateur communicator. Incurable student.”