Women place different weights on driving characteristics, technology or acceleration than factors such as safety, comfort or practicality. This is why the winner of the Women’s Car of the Year is different from the winner of the Car of the Year poll, namely the Honda Civic.
Not long ago, dear readers, we told you about the final six in the WWCOTY or Women’s World Car of the Year poll. The survey is subject to pretty much the same criteria as World Car of the Year, with the only difference being that everything is seen from a woman’s point of view.
The founder of the Women’s World Car of the Year poll, which is held annually since 2009, is auto journalist Sandy Myhre from New Zealand. The jury consisted of 63 women from a total of 45 countries. And it is the only automotive award to consist of an all-female jury.
Kia Niro: Women’s World Car 2023
Kia Niro: Women’s World Car 2023
Kia Niro: Women’s World Car 2023
Kia Niro: Women’s World Car 2023
Kia Niro: Women’s World Car 2023
Niro has won the sympathy of the general public in previous generations, so the current one is not fundamentally different from him – only a few minor updates have been made. However, the manufacturer paid special attention to improving workmanship and design, which appeared to play a key role in the eyes of the female judges.
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