The world’s longest passenger train passes through Swiss tunnels and viaducts. The world record has a value of 1.91 km –

On Saturday, 29 October 2022, a world record was set in Switzerland. He drove on a track that is inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List longest passenger train in the worldhas a length of 1.91 km.

The train passes through the section between Preda and Alvanea, which measures about 25 km and overcomes a height of 789 m. These are 25 ordinary trains of the Capricorn series, which the rail operator Rhätische Bahn combines into one large train.

The event is not intended for passengers. Although all the carriages can accommodate 4,550 people, there are only about 150 directly invited guests in them. Others witnessed the event along a line that was closed to normal traffic for several hours.

All 25 trains must accelerate or brake simultaneously, but only four cars can be controlled from one driver’s station at a time. The four individual units are connected only mechanically and pneumatically; they lack electrical and data connections, as such a combination is not expected in real operation. Therefore, all trains are operated by seven engineers and twenty-one technicians.

For example, energy recovery that returns to the traction path during braking also needs to be completed. The tension within them can only increase to such an extent that the connected systems can absorb it. Also for this reason, the driving speed is very low.

The line that this train runs on is famous for its many tunnels and viaducts, including the very famous Landwasser. There are many arcs with a small radius on them. Thanks to this, impressive photos can be created, which you can see in the gallery.

Or also in this video with the recording of the live broadcast. The journey itself starts from the 58th minute:

Julia Craig

"Certified bacon geek. Evil social media fanatic. Music practitioner. Communicator."

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