Tusk wants war with “S”?

In Warsaw, at 11.00, a demonstration of thousands of PKP Cargo and Poczta Polska employees began in front of the building of the Ministry of Infrastructure organized by NSZZ “Solidarność”. Protesters fight for workers’ rights. “If Mr Tusk wants war with Solidarity, I am ready,” said Piotr Duda, chairman of Solidarity, during today’s demonstration in an interview with Telewizja wPolsce24.

PKP Cargo and Poczta Polska employees are demanding their rights and want to return to work where they were fired. More than 4 thousand PKP Cargo employees and almost 10 thousand Poczta Polska employees staged a joint protest to express their rejection of the new actions of the company authorities.

We want to get back to work.”

We will go back to the past

– one of the protesters told Telewizja wPolsce24.

We demand that we can return to work and that there are no layoffs

– said another demonstrator.

People do not realize how important the post office is, because if there is no post office the country will not function.

– said another demonstrator.

“This is not a good day”

Together with a group of trade union members, the chairman of the National Commission of the NSZZ “Solidarność”, Piotr Duda, and his deputy Bartłomiej Mickiewicz also came to Warsaw.

The floods are the ones that are suffering the most at the moment, we are also losing a lot of jobs there at the moment, but we are here at the Ministry of Infrastructure to shout loudly that if there is a problem in the workplace, social dialogue is needed, and it takes two to tango, and it turns out apparently the pregnant woman was fired. This is simply a scandal. I will inform the European structures and the European Commission about this

– said Piotr Duda in an interview with Telewizja wPolsce24.

If Mr Tusk wants to go to war with Solidarity, I’m ready

– he added.

We invite you to watch Telewizja wPolsce24, where we report on the protests.

Atwater Adkins

"Reader. Future teen idol. Falls down a lot. Amateur communicator. Incurable student."

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