TVP Info doesn’t let viewers forget about repairs. They launched a special element – Wprost

Viewers of TVP Info can see a special counter with the slogan “Germany must pay to Poland” in the lower right corner of the screen, above the red bar, which displays the latest information. Under the slogan there is a total of PLN 6,220,609,000,000 written in such a way that the big six is ​​clearly visible, and the small number after the comma remains in the background and everything is not clear. The numbers also “jump” from time to time, but don’t change.

But this is not the end. TVP Info also broadcasts a 32-second spot on the air. It shows an increasing number of reparations against the backdrop of archival photos from World War II. The picture is accompanied by the sound of an alarm siren. At the end you can see the hashtag #bfreeware. Materials prepared by the Polish National Foundation. TVP Info also promotes hashtags on its social media channels.


Poland demands compensation

On September 1, on the 83rd anniversary of the outbreak of World War II, a report on the losses suffered by Poland as a result of German aggression and occupation during the Second World War was presented at the Royal Palace. The document was prepared by a parliamentary team led by Arkadiusz Mularczyk, PiS MP, in the previous Sejm period. – At the Castle in Warsaw, a decision will be made and announcing that Poland will apply for war reparations, compensation for all that Germany did in Poland during 1939-1945 – said PiS president Jarosław Kaczyński. Poland’s losses are estimated at PLN 6 billion 220 billion 609 million.

Germany denies the claim

Germany rejected Poland’s demands and considered the problem of reparations over. “I can show, like all previous federal governments, that this question is finally resolved in international law,” Chancellor Olaf Scholz said.

The Polish government, however, took the position that there was “no denial of reparations by Poland” in the Polish People’s Republic. – We will send a diplomatic note to Germany. We will invite them to the negotiation process. We will pursue this in all possible forums, all possible paths. We will also, in the coming months, quarters and years, publish the entire report and everything there is – announced Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki.

Read also:
PiS continues the topic of reparations: European Parliament in EP, Prime Minister Morawiecki in media

Atwater Adkins

"Reader. Future teen idol. Falls down a lot. Amateur communicator. Incurable student."

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