It seems that Ukraine, not Poland, is the main player in Central Europe. Its president was received with honors from Berlin and Paris to a summit meeting of the League of Arab States or G7 group, which brings together the world’s largest economies. All of this was beyond the control of Polish leaders, who prided themselves on not only helping struggling Ukraine, but introducing the country onto the world political stage.
However, Volodymyr Zelensky was fine there without our help, he was fully aware that too much friendship with the current Polish government would not help him in his relations with Germany, France and even America. The outcome of this war and the future of Ukraine depended on them, not friendship with Andrzej Duda.
In Poland, the question has been raised more and more frequently: if Duda’s friendship with Zelensky is so good, wouldn’t it be a nice gesture from the Ukrainian president if he finally said something about it? Volhyniamaybe in this way help the team win the elections in Poland, which is risking everything on the Ukrainian issue?
“Reader. Future teen idol. Falls down a lot. Amateur communicator. Incurable student.”